I wrote this poem at the end of 12th grade and to this date, it hasn't failed to inspire me. here goes -
Open your eyes, O ignorant being,
Pause for a moment only to think
Of our own existence in this boundless cosmos,
In the infinitude of time - a mere blink.
Shield your eyes from mundane thoughts,
From the gory entrails of human desire;
Plunge to the depths of nature's divinity,
Purge your soul in the orb's fire.
Beyond the beyond, O myopic souls!
Ponder over results of today's sloppiness;
Quantify your dreams, qualify your actions,
Repay yourself this debt of happiness.
Wring your soul for the cause of others,
Quench their thirst with your sweat and blood;
The gratification that comes with kindness,
An unparalleled ecstasy rarely understood.
Get off your behind, O lazy being!
Lengthen your stride with spirited ease;
Be cautious about hasty ambition,
The joy en route it will only decrease.
So up and away O noble Brother!
always remember these truths of life;
Keep smiling, Keep working,
Know Thyself, My noble Brother.
- Akshay Surendra